FREE & LIVE Backyard Farm Virtual Class

Best Practices for A Thriving Summer Garden

Discover Exactly What You Need To Do Now
for Your Summer Crops to Thrive

Join The Backyard Farm Company for tips and tricks
to care for your summer garden like a pro!

Click below to reserve your spot!
You can choose from two LIVE 1-hour Zoom sessions.
We’ll send you a confirmation email with more info.

Not sure when to be fertilizing your tomatoes or how to fend off powdery mildew? 

This webinar will cover The Backyard Farm Company’s tried and true methods for mid-season plant care to ensure your most productive summer garden yet!

Learn why and how we prune certain summer vegetables.


Pick up our strategies for preventing and treating common seasonal pests and diseases.

Use our harvesting guidelines to get the most out of your crops this season.


Get our recommendations for fertilizing warm season and fruiting crops so you don’t have to guess anymore.

So you’ve planted a vegetable garden?
Congratulations on taking the first step! But if you’ve got your heart set on a delicious and bountiful harvest, your job has only just begun. Your plants need upkeep, feeding, and defending against pests and diseases.


Find out how our farmers tend to edible gardens throughout the summer months to enjoy the best harvests possible…

✓Pest and Disease Management

We’re so excited to share some of our gardening tips and tricks and chat with you!